Basic Windows commands
Windows Basic commands
Cd :-In Windows, the cd command is used to change the current working directory in the command prompt or PowerShell .
Dir:-In Windows, the dir command is used to list the files and directories in the current directory. It provides basic information
about files such as name, size, and modification date.
tracert:-In Windows, the
(short for "traceroute") command is used to trace the route that packets take to reach a specified destination.Mkdir:-The mkdir command in the command line is used to create a new directory
Ipconfig:- In Windows, the ipconfig command is used to display information about the current TCP/IP network configuration on a system .
Net user:- In Windows, the net user command is used to manage user accounts. It allows administrators to create, modify, delete,
and display user accounts, as well as manage.
color :-In Windows, the color command is used to change the color of the text and background in the command prompt.
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